Nov 5, 2015


Good evening friends I hope your Start to this Thursday was awesome. Down here in Central Texas we are bracing for storms and lightning this evening once more.

Today's post is more about photos than words and I have come across some cool art photos of the first Kia Soul from 2009-2010 and a 2014-2016 Kia Soul done by none other than PopBangColor.

This Red Soul drawing done by Mr. Cho is very impressive with all the details and body lines done right. The drawing really does capture the 2009-2010 Soul really well. Great work indeed Sir.

And second, PopBangColor at Car-Fest 2014 layed out a project to paint unconventionally two 2014-2016 Kia Souls: a plus trim (green) and a exclaim trim (red) that are so unique they really give a new meaning to the term art.

The PopBangColor art just pops from the photo and paper to really make you think how it was pulled off so beautifully with a abundance of vibrant colors. It's just icing on the cake if you love both art and the Kia Soul as they go hand and hand effortlessly.

I would like to thank Mr. Cho & PopBangColor and hopefully this has inspired others as well. Great work guys as I tip my hat to you both. 5 photos below. Enjoy.

(Photo Credit: Mr. Cho and PopBangColor)

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