Happy Wednesday Hump Day folks! Today brings us a very special Kia Soul milestone... One million Souls sold globally! With 1.02 million Souls exported from Korea back in 2008-2009 up till June of this year is a awesome accomplishment no doubt. Congrats Kia!
To give you a idea of how big that is over the same time period 83,000+ Souls were sold in the foreign market (Abroad). Here in the U.S. the Kia Soul accounts for a lion's share of 80% of total exports from Korea.
In 2009 Kia sold 31,000+ Souls and since 2011 has sold 100,000+ Souls yearly worldwide. And so fittingly the increase in sales in Europe and Korea was blessed by Pope Francis riding in a fully loaded 2014 Kia Soul Exclaim last year in Korea. Enjoy.